DECIDE at the «VIBE» Forum: supporting youth in choosing a profession
In the framework of supporting career guidance for young people, a youth forum «VIBE» was held in Lviv, with the Swiss-Ukrainian project DECIDE as a partner. The forum, in particular, became a platform for sharing experiences and establishing contacts between the main participants in the career guidance system: authorities, educational institutions and businesses.
The event brought together around 4000 participants.
Valentyna Poltorak, Project Manager of the Swiss-Ukrainian DECIDE project, stressed in her welcoming speech that the development of the career guidance system is a key task of the «DECIDE: VET».
Менеджерка Швейцарсько-українського проєкту DECIDE Валентина Полторак у вітальному слові наголосила, що розвиток системи профорієнтації є ключовим завданням напряму «DECIDE: ПРОФТЕХ».
«It is important to choose a profession that inspires you, that you will enjoy, and that you will be happy in. I would like you to stay in Ukraine, find your place here, get a decent job and become fulfilled people. I believe that together we will build a country where we want to live», — said Valentina Poltorak.
Currently, 6 partner regions, 10 vocational education institutions, 9 partner communities, and 20 schools in these communities are piloting cooperation models to create a career guidance system for students in choosing their future profession. The infrastructure component of the initiative is the creation of modern career guidance hubs at 10 VET schools.
DECIDE Project expert Yaroslava Mozgova joined the panel discussion «Development of vocational education and training in Ukraine. Everything is in our hands». In her speech, she shared the experience of Switzerland, which can be valuable and relevant for Ukraine in building quality vocational education.