Our accomplishments
Social micro-projects implemented by students in cooperation with teachers, parents, local authorities and local civil society organizations in eight target regions
47 000 ~
Civil servants and local self-government representatives across the country were trained in citizen-centered service delivery and citizen engagement in decision-making
45 000 ~
copies of the Council of Europe's educational materials on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education were distributed to all schools in eight partner regions free of charge
1,2 million +
pupils reached with education for democratic citizenship and human rights education
90 000 +
Teachers and educators in eight target regions trained in democratic citizenship
Our partners
Our resources

DECIDE and Education. Experts comment
Our posts, discussions and news.

Our posts, discussions and news.

Videos of useful tips and discussion of events.
St. 77 Sichovyh Striltsiv, office 514, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
E. mail: info@doccu.in.ua